// need to have the same with set from JS on both divs. Otherwise it can push stuff around in HTML
var trp_ls_shortcodes = document.querySelectorAll('.trp_language_switcher_shortcode .trp-language-switcher');
if ( trp_ls_shortcodes.length > 0) {
// get the last language switcher added
var trp_el = trp_ls_shortcodes[trp_ls_shortcodes.length - 1];
var trp_shortcode_language_item = trp_el.querySelector( '.trp-ls-shortcode-language' )
// set width
var trp_ls_shortcode_width = trp_shortcode_language_item.offsetWidth + 16;
trp_shortcode_language_item.style.width = trp_ls_shortcode_width + 'px';
trp_el.querySelector( '.trp-ls-shortcode-current-language' ).style.width = trp_ls_shortcode_width + 'px';
// We're putting this on display: none after we have its width.
trp_shortcode_language_item.style.display = 'none';
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A bee on thyme
Thyme has both creeping and erect growth and reaches a height of up to 40 cm. It thrives in both hot and cold regions, because it is resistant to high and low temperatures. We prefer to plant it sunny locations, although it can also grow in semi-shaded areas. It has no special requirements as to the type of soil to be planted in, as long as it has good drainage.
Cultivation of thyme requires less watering, once a week in spring and autumn, but twice a week in the hot summer.
It is used as a seasoning in many cooking recipes, salads and roasts. Due to its strong, slightly bitter taste and unique aroma.
It is harvested in June during its flowering period. Thyme is harvested by cutting off the aerial part of the stem together with the flowers. Which are then dried in a shady place at temperatures of 25-30°C.
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